Daily Prompt: Art Appreciation by michelle w. on April 30, 2013

Do you need to agree with an artist’s lifestyle or politics to appreciate their art? To spend money on it?

Art is part of literature, very much graphic and cultural. It is, as vast as life itself, that is what I feel.

Lifestyle of any particular artist or their political inclination, if it becomes part of his artistic expression, then it will be a factor while prefering that art piece for personal use or for community. Because, once we bring it to be physically with us, it will represent our likings too.

Now, if an artist can keep his personal fling/flavor out of the art work. Then to be biased about choosing that work or for rejecting the art, is not really cultured; if his personal background becomes part of the criteria.

Art, is an expression.A feel captured on cavass as real and we enjoy it each time we see and as people join in to appreciate.

Money is always spent on items worth its value, art work is then no exception other than those that are by the high calibre reknowned artists. For , those are the people who can stroke life into colors or images etc.

Conclusion : We do not need to evaluate personal life style nor political side of an artist ;while appreciating  or purchasing an art work.

Art is life and life is art :))))


Daily Prompt: Your Time to Shine by michelle w. on April 27, 2013 Early bird, or night owl?











when clouds come and gather up in the sky

I love it, its the time to be happy and fly

When rain falls and makes everything green

I want to dance away like a fairy queen

When sunshines and smiles at me

I am happy to be working my way, am keen

up or down hills or valleys..I smile back and say

Good day !! May life shines brighter 

day after day after day..each day

Daily Prompt: Second Time Around

I always like to do things second time too, unless its impossible to do.

I like to hug twice,  kiss twice and laugh twice. First time , I may get confused but second time I am sure about me and you.

Few things I do repeatedly, like singing a hit song or watching a movie that was long gone. I love stories and so must be retold..countless..I once read a story that was about a young woman getting abducted and later she falls inlove with this kidnapper…fiction of course 🙂 but I liked the way story unfolds and in the last scene..she is about to be rescued..gun men surround and she would be escorted back..when the hero comes riding on his horse and she jumps for her ride..to freedom …but ..it was a captivity..but in love ..that captivity is real happiness..hmmmm

I do remember things I read and re-read to memorize..the only thing I would like to do twice is..to die 😉

Promise ;)


Take my hand and promise me this

when I am gone you would definitely miss

my funny smile, the way I twist 😉

my irrelevant, bossy ,abusive tricks

say, that you want me although I prick

in your mind like a question

unanswered, as if it ticked

going to blast , or die in six

promise me another chance

will you, Mr Twix  :)))

although you are far away

I can never see you any day

But promise me a friendship

in ocean midst

last time we fought,

you tore away my list

the one, I made for you to say sorry to

say it with word, a smile or two

all is well, when we forget and forgive

forget the tears and forgive the pain

promise me , never to pull my nose again

I will promise to untie , your hands  in rains :))


When you voice your opinion.

Opinions are personal, not really facts. We, discuss and evalaute  before we formulate strategies and plans. Facts supports and sometimes , its a gut feeling..so totally whimsical.

Public Opinion 🙂 tends to be a step towards voting, a simple choice or judgment. When democracy is authority  wins, that time mob attack and mass violence also bears the torch to light up fire.

Why, does an opinion matter. It is after all a view about something, it is not something but then, world has its ways to handle things. Propaganda being one of the major methods to change views and make people respond differently.

Few, would go to the search engines to check out, whether an opinion or thought presented by media is fabricated or real. A hue and cry starts, as if people are just waiting to attack or back bite..why do negative and bad news get more attention than progressive or good news.

I find its , difficult to voice your opinion in media and its even harder to prove with action a fact, as compared to spreading a rumor, for it got wings..

Many times we are asked to express our opinions, and we pass..to avoid conflict..which is actually clever..because we have weighed the importance of expression against  hurting other’s feelings, or igniting fire in the society.

People are like volcanoes..sleeping but just as  views/ ideas/ opinions starts pouring it flares up and send to sky high flames with lava..later  maybe the land would get fertile but at the moment..everything gets burned down ..and ashes fly..

The Daily Post

Daily Prompt: Million-Dollar Question

by michelle w. on April 16, 2013

Why do you blog?

I Blog , because I feel free to write and share my ideas.

I Blog, because it is free and I can meet freely

I blog, because I want to see, who else is here for me

I blog, because I need to smile and makes others smile..

I blog, because I want to be making fantasies a reality

I blog, because WordPress got it for me, and everybody.

I blog, because I must escape, daily  ordeal.

I blog, to improve myself and be able to return back to real life.

I blog, because I must..I need..I want..its all about me 🙂 me 🙂 me 🙂